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Boys Cross Country


Current Standings

Past Standings


Team W/L Records

Team W/L Records



Team State

Class A

Class B

Class C

Class D (Defunct)


RI New England Titles

RI Northeast Regional Titles




Boys Cross Country Title Totals

Regular Season (All Sports)

Individual School Pages (All Sports)

School Totals (All Sports)

All Sports' Championships Year by Year (Every Division)

All Sports' Championships Year by Year (Top Divisions)

Notes on High School Championships



Current Results

Past Results



First Years of Teams in the RIIL


All State




All Class & All Division




Other Cross Country Sites

RI Mile Split

Ocean State Running

RIHS Track and Field

New England Council



First Years of Boys Cross Country Teams in the RIIL



1. Barrington: 1959 (First year of formal standings)

2. Blackstone Valley: 2018

Bristol: 1966-1982

3. Burrillville: 1983

Central: 1960-1991

4. Central Falls: 1975-1980, 2000-present

5. Chariho: 1963

6. Classical: 1959 (First year of formal standings)

7. Coventry: 1959 (First year of formal standings)

8. Cranston East: 1959 (First year of formal standings)

9. Cranston West: 1960

10. Cumberland: 1962

11. Davies: 1971-1975, 1990-present

De La Salle: 1960 to 1971

12. East Greenwich: 1963-1991, 2003-present

13. East Providence: 1959 (First year of formal standings)

14. Exeter/West Greenwich: 1990-1993, 2003-present

Fatima: 2009 to 2011

15. Hendricken: 1960

16. Hope: 1959 (First year of formal standings)

17. Johnston: 1962

18. Juanita Sanchez: 2007

19. La Salle: 1959 (First year of formal standings)

20. Lincoln: 1967

Middlebridge: 2015-2017

Middletown: 1963-2016

21. Moses Brown: 1959 (First year of formal standings) to 1996, 2007-present

22. Mt. Hope: 1995

23. Mt. Pleasant: 1959 (First year of formal standings)

Mount Saint Charles: 1964-2023

24. Narragansett: 1976

25. North Kingstown: 1960

26. North Providence: 1959 (First year of formal standings)

27. North Smithfield: 1967

Our Lady of Providence: 1961 to 1988

Paul Cuffee: 2022 (First & last year in the RIIL)

28. Pilgrim: 1963

29. Ponaganset: 1960

30. Portsmouth: 1966

Portsmouth Abbey:

As Portsmouth Priory: 1960 to 1961, 1963-1969

As Portsmouth Abbey: 1970-1988, 1990

31. Prout: 1996

32. Providence Country Day: 2023

Rhode Island School for the Deaf: 1963-1975

Rocky Hill: 1965, 1969

33. Rogers: 1959 (First year of formal standings) to 2008, 2015-present

Sacred Heart: 1965-1969

St. George: 1960-1976

St. Patrick: 2013-2017

34. St. Raphael: 1959 (First year of formal standings)

35. Scituate: 1964-1981, 1994-present

Shea (Prior to participating in a Co-op with Tolman):

1961 (as Pawtucket West)

1977 (as Shea) to 2023

36. Smithfield: 1965

37. South Kingstown: 1968

38. Tiverton: 1974, 2014-present

39. Toll Gate: 1972

Tolman (Prior to participating in a Co-op with Shea): 1959 (First year of formal standings) to 2023

40. Tolman/Shea (Pawtucket) Co-op: 2024

Warren: 1960-1966, 1970

Warwick Vets: 1959 (First year of formal standings) to 2015

41. West Warwick: 1967

42. Westerly: 1960-1966, 1993-present

Wheeler: 2017-2021

43. Woonsocket: 1959 (First year of formal standings)


Links for Current Standings, Scores and Schedules


Providence Journal



Information on Schools & the RIIL


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