RIHSS (Home)

Girls Tennis


Current Standings

Past Standings


Team W/L Records

Team W/L Records



Division I

Division II

Division III

Division IV (Defunct)




Girls Tennis Title Totals

Regular Season (All Sports)

Individual School Pages (All Sports)

School Totals (All Sports)

All Sports' Championships Year by Year (Every Division)

All Sports' Championships Year by Year (Top Divisions)

Notes on High School Championships


Championship Results

Division I

Division II

Division III

Division IV (Defunct)



Current Results

Past Results


First Years of Teams in the RIIL


Projo All State




RITCA All Division




New England Championship Information

New England Council

Girls Tennis Singles Champions


1973- Julia Evrard (Barrington)
1975- Marilyn Hartley
Jane Forman (Wheeler) FR
1977- Jane Forman
(Wheeler) SO
1978- Jane Forman (Wheeler) JR
1979- Jane Forman (Wheeler) SR
1980- Robin Boss (Lincoln School) SO
1981- Robin Boss (Lincoln School) JR
1982- Robin Boss (Lincoln School) SR
1983- Jennifer Mahoney (Barrington) SO
1984- Jennifer Mahoney
(Barrington) JR
1985- Jennifer Mahoney (Barrington) SR
1986- Christina Franek (Lincoln School)
1987- Jennifer Stemmen (Mount St. Charles)
1988- Alexis Boss (Lincoln)
1989- Jill Craybas (Lincoln School) FR or SO
1990- Mercedes McAndrew (Lincoln)
1991- Sheri Woodcomb (Wheeler) FR
1992- Sheri Woodcomb (Wheeler) SO
1993- Marissa Pitrone (Mount Saint Charles) SR
1994- Whitney Laiho (Middletown) FR
1995- Whitney Laiho (Middletown) SO
1996- Brooke Rubin (Cranston West) JR
1997- Marissa Alikpala (Wheeler) FR
1998- Marissa Alikpala (Wheeler) SO
1999- Marissa Alikpala (Wheeler) JR
2000- Marissa Alikpala (Wheeler) SR
2001- Leigh D'Ambra (Barrington) SR
2002- Ruth Furman (Lincoln School) SO
2003- Trish Devine (Wheeler) SR
2004- Pam Emery (North Providence) FR
2005- Meghan McCooey (Mount Saint Charles) SR
2006- Pam Emery (North Providence) JR
2007- Pam Emery (North Providence) SR
2008- Alex Geremia (South Kingstown) JR
2009- Rebecca Curran (Bay View) JR
2010- Rebecca Curran
(Bay View) SR
2011- Hannah Zangari (North Kingstown) SR
2012- Aleksandra Drljaca (East Greenwich) JR
2013- Peri Sheinin (East Greenwich) FR
2014- Peri Sheinin (East Greenwich) SO
2015- Peri Sheinin (East Greenwich) JR
2016- Julia Pezzuco (Wheeler) JR
2017- Dakota Busch (Westerly) SR
2018- Candice Ballarin (Moses Brown) SO
2019- Maddie Omicioli (East Greenwich) SO

2020- Candice Ballarin (Moses Brown) SR
2021- Erin McCusker (La Salle) SR
2022- Kylie Eaton (Moses Brown) SR
2023- Alexa Clark (South Kingstown) SO
2024- Alexa Clark (South Kingstown) JR



Special thanks to Henry Coleman for contributing to this page




FR = Individual champion was a Freshman

SO = Individual champion was a Sophomore

JR = Individual champion was a Junior

SR = Individual champion was a Senior

Links for Current Standings, Scores and Schedules


Providence Journal



Information on Schools & the RIIL


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NOTE: This web site and myself are not associated with the RIIL or any school; If you have any questions outside of the content of this site, please direct them to the appropriate contact information on the RIIL web site

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