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Division I
First Team
106 - Cole Lemovitz, Ponaganset
113 - Charlie Ford, North Providence
120 - Jared Hood, Ponaganset
126 - Peyton Ellis, Coventry
132 - David Perez, Ponaganset
138 - Joseph Joyce, Ponaganset
144 - Colby Vital, Ponaganset
150 - Carnell Davis, Ponaganset
157 - Ryan Currier, Chariho
165 - Andrew Reall, Ponaganset
175 - Preston Marchesseault, Ponaganset
190 - Spencer Fine, Hendricken
215 - Michael DiOrio, Ponaganset
285 - Kaz Morosetti, North Kingstown

Second Team
106 - Connor Coro, North Providence
113 - Apollo Bellini, Ponaganset
120 - Shane Farnsworth, Coventry
126 - Robert Douangmala, Ponaganset
132 - Brian Montez, Hope
138 - Sebastian Armstrong, Coventry
144 - Andrew McCarthy, Mt. Hope
150 - James Thibadeau, Mt. Hope
157 - William Leishchner, Ponaganset
165 - Ferhat Baha Akdemir, East Providence
175 - Lincoln Tiernan, Hendricken
190 - Josiah Garcia, La Salle
215 - Andrew Alchihed, Cranston West
285 - Ason Jones, Coventry

Third Team
106 - Michael Quinn, Hendricken
113 - Sean Ruo, La Salle
120 - Aydin Schifino, East Providence
126 - Seth McGrew, Hendricken
132 - Braydon Wilding, Hendricken
138 - Charlie Phillips, East Providence
144 - Tyler Schartner, North Kingstown
150 - Gonzalo Pool, North Providence
157 - James Rocco, Barrington
165 - Logan Ross, Hendricken
175 - Zachary Iaciofano, La Salle
190 - Zachary Rocchio, Ponaganset
215 - Matthew Zimmerman, Barrington
285 - Derick Case, Mt. Hope

Division II
First Team
106 - Robert Newton, Scituate
113 - Jacob Oliveria, Pilgrim
120 - Cameron Davis, Central
126 - Scott Nicoll, Lincoln
132 - Benjamin White, South Kingstown
138 - Kamel Dib, Lincoln
144 - Aziz Mian, Central
150 - Gabriel Bouyssou, Scituate
157 - John Nicoli, Lincoln
165 - Jefreel Rivera, Central
165 - Donavan Watts, Pilgrim
175 - Trevor O'Connor, Pilgrim
190 - Aaron Bolduc, Lincoln
215 - Bejahmin Wilcox, Woonsocket
285 - Alex Herrera, Woonsocket

Second Team
106 - Damian Setaro, Lincoln
113 - Dominick Sousa, Smithfield
120 - Sean Cantino, South Kingstown
126 - Jared Sabatelli, Toll Gate
132 - Ethan Uttley, Woonsocket
138 - Kason Wirtz, Toll Gate
144 - Nathan Corona, West Warwick
150 - Landon Mahar, Toll Gate
157 - Justin Murphy, Pilgrm
165 - No Selection
175 - South Kingstown
190 - Nasir Brotka, Central
215 - Abner Mateo Noriega, Central
285 - Issa Ghaxal, Lincoln

Third Team
106 - Jack Sabatelli, Toll Gate
113 - Caden Hughes, Scituate
120 - Marcos Ramirez, Toll Gate
126 - Erick Toj Sam, West Warwick
132 - Yandel Fransisco Vilchez, Central
138 - Aiden Baker, Scituate
144 - Nolin Vangel, Scituate
150 - Travis Morrel, Central
157 - Kevin Toj Sam, West Warwick
165 - Drake Dumont, Scituate
175 - Ben Johnson-McMahon, Smithfield
190 - Luis Meijas, Woonsocket
215 - Aidan Rodrigues, Lincoln
285 - Greg Hopkins, South Kingstown

Division III
First Team
106 - Moshood Lawal, Davies
113 - Jordan Lally, East Greenwich
120 - Chris Duarte, Aquidneck Island
126 - Logan Martins, Johnston
132 - Cashman Downs, Aquidneck Island
138 - Jack Voute, Aquidneck Island
144 - Thomas Slater, East Greenwich
150 - Andrew Reese. Aquidneck Island
157 - Raymond McConnell, Narragansett
165 - Zion Taylor, Aquidneck Island
175 - Logan Geas, Aquidneck Island
190 - Jack Giannetto, Narragansett
215 - Brendan Foley, Tolman
285 - Hadrian Duncan, Narragansett

Second Team
106 - Paul Williams, Prout
113 - Ryan Morales, Johnston
120 - Dereck Serrano, Mt. Pleasant
126 - Justin Suero, Juanita Sanchez
132- Matthew Claeson, East Greenwich
138 - Liam Levy, East Greenwich
144 - Adam Belhaouz, Central Falls
150 - Eli Sweet, Narragansett
157 - Exavier Ortiz, Tolman
165 - Eli Leach, Westerly
175 - Ryan McCarthy, East Greenwich
190 - Owen Norlavona, Mt. Pleasant
215 - Hector Rodriguez, Juanita Sanchez
285 - David Tesema, Juanita Sanchez

Third Team
106 - Gavin Kidduff, Cranston East
113 - Jan Arnaus, Narragansett
120 - No Selection
126 - Nikola Xrajacich, Aquidneck Island
132 - Paul Sungula, Juanita Sanchez
138 - Thebb Pesch, Westerly
144 - Aiden Echevarria, Aquidneck Island
150 - Harrison Carrazzo, East Greenwich
157 - Luke Sharpless, Johnston
165 - Collin Hartrey, East Greenwich
175 - Miguel Reyes, Mt. Pleasant
190 - Aquaves Roberson, Cranston East
215 - Mike Gagne, Aquidneck Island
285 - Stephen Harvey, Aquidneck Island


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