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Providence Journal
First Team
106- Cole Lemovitz, Ponaganset
113- Apollo Bellini, Ponaganset
120- Jared Hood, Ponaganset
126- Peyton Ellis, Coventry
132- David Perez, Ponaganset
138- Joseph Joyce, Ponaganset
144- Andrew McCarthy, Mt. Hope
150- Gabriel Bouyssou, Scituate
157- Ryan Currier, Chariho
165- Andrew Reall, Ponaganset
175- Preston Marchesseault, Ponaganset
190- Jack Giannetto, Narragansett
215- Michael DiOrio, Ponaganset
285- Kaz Morosetti, North Kingstown

Second Team
106 - Robert Newton, Scituate
113 - Caden Hughes, Scituate
120 - Cameron Davis, Central
126 - Robert Douangmala, Ponaganset
132 - Benjamin White, South Kingstown
138 - Sebastian Armstrong, Coventry
144 - Colby Vital, Ponaganset
150 - Matthew Pappas, Hendricken
157 - Jordan DaCosta, Cumberland
165 - Ferhat Baha Akdemir, East Providence
175 - Trevor O'Connor, Pilgrim
190 - Spencer Fine, Hendricken
215 - Andrew Alchihed, Cranston West
285 - Ason Jones, Coventry

First Team
100- Allison Patten, Pilgrim
107- Daisey Hawkins, Scituate
114- Angel Bui, Toll Gate
120- Kamie Hawkins, Exeter-West Greenwich
126- Katelyn Egan, Scituate
132- Meili Shao, La Salle Academy
138- Abigail Otte, Coventry
145- Victoria Salinas, Toll Gate
152- Maura Pendergast, Scituate
165- Shalom Feliz, Mount Pleasant
185- Vanessa Sen, Mount Pleasant
235- Jinell Kelley, Cumberland

Second Team
100 - Alyssa Marciano, North Providence
107 - Takara Clayborne, North Kingstown
114 - Jordan Richardson, Cumberland
120 - Kaedyn Minta-Jacobs, North Providence
126 - Ibriani Fargas Cruz, Classical
132 - Darling Feliz, Classical
138 - Marley Bilotti, Ponaganset
145 - Aubrey Hastings, Cumberland
165 - Yasmin Bido, Hope

Coaches Association
First Team
106 - Cole Lemovitz, Ponaganset
113 - Apollo Bellini, Ponaganset
120 -Jared Hood, Ponaganset
126 - Peyton Ellis, Coventry
132 - David Perez, Ponaganset
138 - Joseph Joyce, Ponaganset
145 - Andrew McCarthy, Mt. Hope
152 - Gabriel Bouyssou, Scituate
160 - Ryan Currier, Chariho
170 - Andrew Reall, Ponaganset
182 - Preston Marchesseault, Ponaganset
195 - Jack Giannetto, Narragansett
220 - Michael DiOrio, Ponaganset
285 - Kaz Morosetti, North Kingstown

Second Team
106 - Robert Newton, Scituate
113 - Caden Hughes, Scituate
120 - Cameron Davis, Central
126 - Robert Douangmala, Ponaganset
132 - Benjamin White, South Kingstown
138 - Sebastian Armstrong, Coventry
145 - Colby Vital, Ponaganset
152 - Matthew Pappas, Hendricken
160 - Jordan DaCosta, Cumberland
170 - Ferhat Baha Akdemir, East Providence
182 - Trevor O'Connor, Pilgrim
195 - Spencer Fine, Hendricken
220 - Andrew Alchihed, Cranston West
285 - Ason Jones, Coventry


Links for Current Standings, Scores and Schedules


Providence Journal



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