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Boys Indoor Track


Current Standings

Past Standings


Team W/L Records

Team W/L Records




Class A

Class B

Class C

RI New England Team Titles

RI National Titles

Boys Indoor Track Title Totals

Regular Season (All Sports)

Individual School Pages (All Sports)

School Totals (All Sports)

All Sports' Championships Year by Year (Every Division)

All Sports' Championships Year by Year (Top Divisions)

Notes on High School Championships



Current Results

Past Results



State Records


First Years of Teams in the RIIL


All State




All Class & All Division




Other Track Sites

RI Mile Split

Ocean State Running

RIHS Track and Field

New England Council


Boys Indoor Track Postseason Formats


Divisional Championships

  • Divisional Championships are held on either the last weekend of January or first weekend of February
  • Teams are allowed up to four athletes per event with each individual allowed to compete in up to three events total
  • The team champion is the team that gathers the most total points from all its individuals competing in all of the 12 events
  • Scoring system: 1st place in an event = 10 points, 2nd = 8, 3rd = 6, 4th = 4, 5th = 2, 6th = 1



Class Championships

  • Class Meets (Class A, B, and C) are held on the weekend after the Divisional Championships (either the first or second weekend of February)
  • Teams are allowed up to four athletes per event with each individual allowed to compete in up to three events total (first or second weekend of February)
  • The team champion is the team that gathers the most total points from all its individuals competing in all of the 12 events
  • Scoring system: 1st place in an event = 10 points, 2nd = 8, 3rd = 6, 4th = 4, 5th = 2, 6th = 1



State Championships

  • The State Championships occur on the Saturday after the Class Championships (either the second or third weekend of February)
  • All teams participate and are allowed up to four athletes per event with each individual allowed to compete in up to three events total
  • The team champion is the team that gathers the most total points from all its individuals competing in all of the 12 events
  • Scoring system: 1st place in an event = 10 points, 2nd = 8, 3rd = 6, 4th = 4, 5th = 2, 6th = 1



New England Championships

  • The New England Championships are held on a Saturday in late February or early March; There is no team scoring



National Championships

  • The two National Championship meets (New Balance & Nike) are held on the weekend after the New England Championships (either the first or second weekend of March)


Links for Current Standings, Scores and Schedules


Providence Journal



Information on Schools & the RIIL


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NOTE: This web site and myself are not associated with the RIIL or any school; If you have any questions outside of the content of this site, please direct them to the appropriate contact information on the RIIL web site

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